Healthy Performance

Welcome to our Home Page

Demographic change, digitalization, New Work, the VUCA world – in today’s world of change and transformation, the success of an organization depends more than ever on a healthy and motivated workforce. In our seminars we teach businesses, managers and employees competencies and strategies for better health and improved performance. Our focus covers:


Our sessions are tailored to deliver results and come in S, M and L formats:

S =          Warm-up presentations and workshops

=         1-2 day face-to-face trainings

=           Modular training including competency testing (Codex ®) and individual coaching

Target Groups:
  • We help organizations to manage stress and psychosocial risks in the face of changing pressures and demands in the workplace.
  • We teach managers and supervisors the hows and whys of the key competency of healthy leadership.
  • We help staff to boost their resilience and actively reduce their stress levels.

Our Expertise:
  • Over 25 years experience in the fields of management, corporate training and health management
  • Professional backgrounds in psychology and education
  • Experience and practical solutions for many different industries and employees on all levels
  • Extensive international training experience

You can find more detailed information on selected standard trainings under Training. If you need more information or are interested in a customised solution, we will be glad to assist you.


Benefit from our many years of experience in training in both German and international organisations.
Our blend of training methods guarantees enjoyable and effective learning sessions. It incorporates elements of accelerated learning, neuroscientific research and state-of-the-art teaching practices.

The following standard concepts are readily customisable to suit your individual needs:
Training for Managers and Supervisors

Health-oriented Leadership
Studies show that a direct line manager plays a major role regarding the health and well-being of his or her reports. A health-oriented style of leadership can help to motivate employees and protect them from harmful stress and exhaustion. This seminar makes leaders aware of their influence and provides them with tools to lead themselves and their employees in a healthy manner.
Download the description of the seminar “Healthy Leadership”  

Training for Employees
Resilience - Keeping your Balance in Stressful Times
Increasing demands at work and at home are placing people increasingly under pressure and permanent tension. Stress overload is the main factor driving the dramatic rise in the number of people off work for psychological reasons. In this seminar (based on Gerd Kaluza’s stress model), particpants learn to analyse their own personal stress and develop inividual strategies for coping with crises and daily hassles.
Download the description of the seminar “Stress Management (English)”



IT and Communication

Education and Consulting



Transport and Logistics



Health Management



We published this practical, readable guide to “Learning Appreciation” as training material for our Healthy Leadership and Appreciative Communication seminars.

Learning Appreciation in Business: A Practical Guide to Appreciative Communication in the Workplace with Self-Coaching Tips for Managers The collection of appreciative techniques in this guide is designed to provide you with a range of options for expressing your appreciation to others in a meaningful and effective way. Both this guide and our seminars are available in English and German. Books on Demand, 2013 ISBN-13: 978-3732249954


About us

“Healthy Performance“ is not just a slogan. It’s our claim.

Janice Williamson

I have been personally engaged in the topics of “Healthy leadership. Healthy at work.” for a long time.  In my own experience in line management in a global organisation I asked myself what I could do to ensure my team enjoyed coming to work and did the best job they could? And just as importantly – what I could do to preserve and promote my own health? With this experience I went on to specialize in “healthy leadership” and joined one of the leading German providers in Corporate Health Care Management, advising companies, designing and delivering trainings. Today, I enjoy working freelance, designing and delivering trainings and presentations to organisations in many different sectors.
I grew up and studied in Scotland. The day after my graduation I moved to Bonn, where I have spent my adult life. To this day, I appreciate living at the heart of Europe. My private and business partnership with Edwin Lemke enriches me in both life settings. We both enjoy running, mountains and sea, our family and our common enthusiasm for our training profession.

The people in my trainings describe me as a dedicated trainer with passion, know-how and humour. I take great pleasure in encouraging people to discover their strengths and potential, to develop useful options and strategies. I believe in our capacity to learn new ways of thinking, and our freedom to decide at any time to make changes and do things differently and better in the future than we have done in the past.     

    • M.A. Psychology, German (University of Glasgow)
    • Do-Care®-Trainer (Healthy Leadership by Dr. A.-K. Matyssek)
    • Systemic Coach, specialized in change management (INeKO Institute, Cologne)
    • Corporate Health Management Specialist (IHK)
    • Psychological Risk Assessment Specialist (Mplus Academy)
    • NLP-Practitioner
    • Non-Violent Communication
    • Line management and training experience in a global organisation (Thomson Reuters)
    • Trainer-Training (K3 Performance London, Elekluft Bonn)

Edwin Lemke

Training requires constant mental presence. It demands alertness and a permanent awareness of what’s happening in the group. I relax between these phases of intense concentration with sport. In fact, I would even describe myself as sports fanatic, having actively participated in many different types of sports. And enjoyed watching others. When I travel abroad, I always take my running shoes with me. For there might happen to be a running event where I’m going. As a passionate runner, I seize every opportunity to take part – be it a run by the sea, in a local park or up a mountain.

My second passion lies in fostering a culture of appreciation, attentiveness and respect between people. When training, I step back and set my antennae to receive. For me it is important to know what excites my participants, what they need right now and how I can best reach them. For to my mind, adult learning entails 15% trainer, and 85% participant activity. And empathy is an indispensable trait for a trainer.

In international settings, this is even more crucial. You can never read up on all of the cultural characteristics of a host country – sometimes you have to rely on your sensitivity and intuition. My third focus topic completes the circle: Understanding. To this end, I am fascinated by a journey of a special kind – the journey into the human mind.
* 1955, in a committed relationship, two children
Project Experience
… Training and trainer-Training experience in many different branches

  • IT and Communication, Engineering and Construction, Training and Consulting, Food, Transport and Logistics, Politics, Automotive, … and others

… international

  • Global airline, Germany and Hungary
  • International machine construction group, project in Thailand
  • International food manufacturer, projects in Germany and Hungary
  • Global automobile manufacturer, projects in Germany and England

… assorted

  • International transport and logistics company
  • Design and delivery of training and competence analyses in 15 countries on 4 continents
  • German state institution
  • Leadership of a project team of 15 Trainers for 8 years

If you would like any more information, please let me know and I will send you further details.

University Lecturer
  • since 2014 Social Competence – Appreciation in Consulting
at the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg
  • 86 – 88 Wholesale and Foreign Trade Expert, Instructor; IHK Düsseldorf
  • 84 – 86 Teaching Training, Vocational Schools, Iserlohn / Grammar School, Letmathe
  • 75 – 83 Degree in Education, University of Bonn, Sport science, German, Educational Psychology
Further Training
  • 2013 Systemic Structural Coaching with Matthias Varga von Kibéd
  • 2011 Positive Psychology, Psychosynthesis, Presencing
  • 2004 Certified KODE(X)-Trainer for competence assessment by John Erpenbeck / Volker Heyse
  • 99 – 00 Health Professional NLP with W. Lenk und R. Dilts
  • 94 – 96 International NLP Practitioner, Master und Trainer, with M. und Ed Reese, M. Schmidt-Tanger, M. Grinder, F. Farrelly i.a.
  • 86 – 87 Advanced English Language Certificate for Industry and Commerce, German-British Chamber, London

Ubierstr. 156
53173 Bonn
Freiberuflerin nach § 18 EStG
St. Nr. 206 5361 1386
Fon: +49 (0) 170 72 68 113

Edisonallee 8
53125 Bonn
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Freiberufler nach § 18 EStG
St. Nr. 206 5190 0407
Fon: +49 (0) 17 18 15 6503

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